Dirt & Gravel and Low Volume Roads Program

The Dirt and Gravel Road (D&GR) Program was created in 1997. The purpose of the program is to
provide training and funding to local public road owning entities (municipalities, PADOT, PA Game Commission, and similar) to mitigate stream pollution from dirt roads. To
date, the District has received a total of over $1,000,000 for funding, administering, and educational events
related to dirt and gravel road improvement projects in Mifflin County. The District has completed 33
projects involving 8 different townships, with total project and program costs totaling more than $810,000,
with an additional $37,000 committed to pending projects. Through the District’s Dirt and Gravel Roads
Program, more than 15 miles of Mifflin County’s dirt roads have been improved to demonstrate the use
of environmentally sensitive road maintenance practices.

In 2015 the traditional D&GR Program was expanded to include some low volume, paved and/ or tar-chip
roads under the Low Volume Roads (LVR) portion of the program. The purpose and mission of the Dirt,
Gravel, Low Volume Roads (DGLVR) Program remains the same: provide training and funding to local
road owning entities to mitigate stream pollution from dirt and low volume roads. To date, the District has
received to date approximately $340,000 for low volume road improvements. The District has completed a
total of 10 projects and has committed over $45,000 toward future projects. Projects have been or are being
completed in 6 different municipalities.

More Information:

DGLVR Quality Assurance Board Policies & Procedures

DGLVR Project Ranking Form

Grant Application Links:

DGLVR Grant Application

Sample Grant Application

Sample Grant Project Map

Traffic Count links:

Traffic Count Validation Form

Traffic Count Instructions

Traffic Count Guidance